Millennial View Tools 


Cost of Employee Calculator (Free)

Please click to learn more about what your workforce may be costing you. We see day in and day out companies misunderstanding what the cost of hiring and retaining employees are. We are willing to do a free computation on what the estimated cost to your business is. 


Financial Advisor Prediction Model (FAPM)

With a changing landscape in the wealth management business, we are actively seeking to reach advisors that are looking to better their practice for the incoming generation of clients. We have developed FAPM in conjunction with our consulting services that allows us to measure areas of business that are commonly overlook that millennials value. 


Social Media Assessment tool 

Whether for marketing or attracting new young talent. Our Social Media Assessment tool can help you better understand areas of strength and improvement. We look through all reviews and social sentiment and create a customized PDF that will highlight beneficial strategies to building a stronger social preceense with millennial employees and consumers. 
